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Quickly Editing Videos with iMovie: A Step-by-Step Guide
By ranaomerijaz

Quickly Editing Videos with iMovie

Quickly editing videos with iMovie is an easy and user-friendly way to create professional-looking videos efficiently. Whether you’re making a short film, an educational video, or just puttin...
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How to Install Windows: From USB to Boot-Up
By ranaomerijaz

How to Install Windows: From USB to Boot-Up

Getting a Windows operating system up and running can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right instructions and a bit of patience, anyone can learn how to install Window...
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A broken mouse
By ranaomerijaz

How to fix a mouse switch and click

Is your mouse button not working properly? There is one thing a gamer hates when their mouse skips a click. This will happen at some point when the buttons of your mouse stop responding. We have fi...
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All about SSD
By ranaomerijaz

All about SSD: Speed, performance, form factors explained

Although SSDs are frequently used to store data, as we all know, there are several types of SSDs. If you don’t know, you should carefully read this post. We have introduced five different SSD...
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By ranaomerijaz

7 best ways to compress an image without losing its quality

Are you tired of deleting unwanted files due to insufficient storage? Well, fret not. We have made a list of some good techniques by which you can compress an image. Still wondering how reducing im...
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